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Special Study Offers!

Microsoft Office

Our Microsoft Office training programs give you the skills and knowledge to validate your computer skills using the Microsoft Office desktop applications.

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Made to measure training service.

Let us check what your staff already know, see what they need to know and design the perfect course content to suit your exact requirements.



The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is the world's most successful IT skills certification programme. Almost three million people are participating in the programme today in over 60 countries worldwide. In Ireland, the ECDL is administered by ICS SKILLS.

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YOU can LEARN with:
Coached ECDL Training
personal individual attention
ensures exam success


Be Blogged! Start a Blog Web Site Now
Get in on the Blogging revolution and avail of many new online opportunities to capture new customers. Marketing is one of the most expensive costs that can face businesses in Ireland. Proper use of blogging software yields major results for small money. Our Blog training is designed for companies in the Irish market, ensuring up to date technical know-how is mapped to market needs. For all small or medium sized business that need local or international success our blogging course and blog consultancy service ensures you get past the difficulties and pitfalls and get straight to Blog Success!


Don't want to do it all by yourself?

Let us design, create, maintain and update the blog just for you. We can provide year long post updates prepared by us to suit your company message and culture.

Customised Training Sessions

Do you want to focus on the task at hand without interruption? 
Want to get a training service customised just for you?
Need your company exact needs met? 

Let us assess your training needs and recommend a suitable approach to your training. When you attend an individual session at the A-1 Computer Centre you benefit from personal attention that will ensure that you cover specific subject matter. Because of the personal attention you receive you will cover more subject matter and you will learn more in a smaller amount of time then you would in any classroom environment.


Certified Training Professional (CTP)

Get a recognised training qualification.

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Web Site Design

Training course and Design Service

Developed to give you the skills required to design and create your own web site.
This course has been specifically developed for anyone who wants to acquire the skills to create a web site, without having to commit to the time and expense of a professional-level web design programme.
This program is an ideal entry to design for small businesses, second-level students, community groups and individuals who need to create business or personal web sites.

Receptionist Training Course

The receptionist plays a critical role in the communications process of any organisation. The importance of giving and receiving information in the work place is enormous, be it with colleagues, supervisors, subordinates or clients.


Effective Presentations

Make a presentation with confidence. For those needing to make any type of public or group apperances. Includes presentation and preperation guidance along with instruction on how to use Microsoft PowerPoint or other presentation software.

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Beginners Introductions to Computing

Basic course that introduces users on to the world of computers. Shows you what is involved in Information Technology and how to use computers and software

Click to view the policies relating to student care and quality assurance at A-1 Computer Centre and A-1 IT and Business College

Gain a recognized training  qualification
Become a Certified Training Professional (CTP)

At A-1 Computer Centre we take great pride in the fact that since launching the CTP Train the Trainer course here in Cork in 2002 we have maintained the quality and integrity of the Certified Training Professional certificate.  An endorsement of this is the fact that FÁS recognises the qualification as a basis for inclusion on the FÁS/EI National Register of Trainers and successful completion of CTP leads to the FETAC Level 6 award “Training the Trainer”.

Course available:
Saturdays, and Evenings
CTP Certification Workshop:
Day Course over 3 days 
3 Saturdays

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        Unit C-1, Marina Commercial Park Centre Park Road Cork, Ireland.Tel: 00353 (0) 21 4319666
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